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Purpose Driven Defects: Introduction

Purpose Driven Defects
     The common response to the truth is skepticism. That’s only fair, because a statement isn’t truth until it is tested and cross-checked.

Unnatural Law: Conclusion

Unnatural Law

The summary of the points made and resources give is that the world as we perceive it, is a temporary illusion. Reality is found in result, not in perception.

Separation of Bureaucracy and Humanity July 20th, 2011

Separation of Bureaucracy and Humanity

July 20th, 2011

     Today, we find many genocide and human rights issues in the administration of the Private Law System as implemented by various governmental bodies. Today, I encountered such a circumstance here in Longmont, CO. The court system has been operating in the artificial construct of private law for so long, that they don’t recognize the Law. Read the rest of this entry »

Unnatural Law: Administrative Law vs. Natural Law

                                                                 Unnatural Law

                                          Administrative Law vs. Natural Law

“In every conflict, everyone has rights. The problem is that somebody didn’t do right.” – Dr. Samuel C. Gipp, Th.D

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Separation of Bureaucracy and Humanity 7/12/2011

     These days, we have so many influences bringing out glaring contrasts between Bureaucracy and Humanity. The hot spot today is the Federal Budget debate. This is nothing new. We’ve been watching people threaten each other with poverty since forever. It is during these bouts of confusing numbers and inflammatory ultimatums that we are reminded that turning on floodlights in a crowded bar, at midnight, can expose a lot of surprises.  

     It is in the contrasts, brought out it all their naked glory, that we see the behavior that causes us to cringe at admitting that we are associated with any of this mockery of all things American. Yet, we need this. We need to understand that Bureaucracy is anti-human. It is cannibalistic. Even in it’s most commercial context, it is impossible to find any compassion or grace for the behavior of Bureaucracy. Something happens to people when they gain auspicious titles and put on a suit and tie. In reality, they are no less human. They just act as predatory animals.

     There is one thing that we can be sure of. Those who gain by this unreasonable facsimile of a reality show called government will not be found in line when the inevitable next step down in the currency collapse is taken. None will admit complicity in the Ponzi scheme that is the Federal Reserve. There won’t be a deal good enough to persuade the world to buy U. S. Treasury debt. The situation will become institutional looting and piracy.

     This is the point when the masks come off and the wolves devour the sheep. The turmoil and protest in other countries will be seen in the United States. Bureaucracy believes that it is a law unto itself. The human common sense response would be to admit that there is a higher court than any institution of Man. But then, Bureaucracy ate of the forbidden fruit and bought into the original lie, long ago. No, the men of renown have not become gods, and their pride is going before destruction.       

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Photo Finish

Photo Finish

The first decade of the new millennium has been such a whirlwind, so far, that we have to stop and ask ourselves, “What just happened?!!” Do we have any historical frame of reference to measure recent events, by? Upon examination, there are many events in our history that point to present conflicts and their outcomes.

When empires disintegrate, the forces that functioned within them don’t just disappear into thin air. Relationships and traditions float on the winds of change, like dandelion seeds. So it is, in the transition periods in the United States. If we draw a straight line from the questions of our day, back through historical records, motives and goals become clearly defined.

When have we seen the present level of regulatory corruption and commercial consolidation in our past? That would be the period 1891 through 1913. The economic structure, combined with political corruption, produced public manipulation that led to the Federal Reserve and WWI. At that point, government became the Corporatist War Machine that we see today. The seeds of subsequent wars of Corporate conquest were planted in that time period. Generations became cannon fodder to enforce the will of the central banks and exact tribute from indigenous populations. Every aspect of social and commercial activity now teaches people the anti-human compulsions of Corporatism. People are now identified and valued by their relationship within the corporate structure. Throughout history, long before there was a United States”, these practices were condemned and ended in destruction. Monetizing and numbering people is the most evil practice implemented by government. It leads to mass murder, genocide.

Last year, people failed to recognize the patterns from the 1920s & 70s. If there had been recognition, before the fact, we never would have been talking about trillions in bailouts to “stabilize” the global economy. Those prior decades identify the actions that were taken in the past year as injurious to financial stability and social continuity. Going back and reading

“Land and Wealth vs. Debt and Promises: The End Game”

“War Under Heaven: The World At Commerce”

shows that I understated everything. My friends around the world were telling me that everything was worse than I said it was. In 2 trips across the country, I found that they were right. Sections of cities look like war damage. The atmosphere is different. The tension of being packed into cities, under uncertain and sometimes dangerous circumstances, wears people down.

Have we forgotten the scenes of those decades and what they led to, so quickly? The threat of hyperinflation, the resulting wage and price controls, loan defaults, the S & L failures, 23% prime rates, record unemployment, political and financial scandals …. need I go on? The jury is in, and we are judged, GUILTY. We are repeating the past. We are going down the path of social collapse, dangerous urban environments, polarizing media manipulation of public opinion, with government as petty, corrupt and self-serving as it ever was. We are being thrown to the wolves, and still don’t see it.

The present time is a turning point of U. S. history. As the Corporation has siezed the helm of the ship of state, and presumes to overrule the restraints that it AGREED to, in 1787, we are stuck with the reality that we are oppressed by a criminal organization. The United States government is Hell-bent on herding the population, like livestock. the healthcare reform debate doesn’t recognize people as living beings. We are seen as potential markets, managed assets, group cost caps, repositories for chemical cocktails and the resulting repeat sales, to address the side effects. This is the kind of human experimentation that makes war criminals of medical authorities. Credentials mean nothing in the sight of the Author of Life. The lust for power and wealth has never known satisfaction. The “American” Medical Association won’t find the goal of their obsession in Heaven.

It is interesting that legislation in the 1960s borrowed so much from wartime enemies. That illustrates that countries and leaders rise and fall, but Corporatism marches on. The public figures that rammed Nazi and Soviet laws down our throats at that time are now facing the consequences in Eternity. Will we learn from this, today? The legislation that resulted in the Patriot Act and Homeland Security is in the same spirit that produced the genocides of the 20th century, sending more than 100 million people to execution at the hands of their own governments. We are watching the disease of National Socialism run it’s course. We don’t have to be infected by it.

Process Of Elimination

Process of Elimination

With the methods of ostracism and administrative character assassination that are in common practice today, who is able to to resist and defend themselves against agenda driven invasions of privacy? Compliance with regulatory demand will be no protection, in the end. After depending on a system to provide their needs by robbing their neighbors, the corporate structure sees that people are no more loyal and trustworthy than any other mercenaries. People are so accustomed to going along, to get along, that they ignore their complicity with activities that will eventually be turned back, upon them. Life won’t always be this good. As budgetary and commercial pressures intensify, expediency will be served. If the choice comes down to who eats and who starves, the bureaucrats and corporate thieves will make short work of the population.

We have seen a number of triage programs to deal with economic upheaval. Those who are compliant and trusting, are the first to go. Shelters and “work” programs are polite euphemisms for ghettos and internment camps. You are “helped” only if you are the property of a dead thing. This is how more than 100 million people were exterminated in the 20th century. Marginalized people are eliminated, their numbers reduced to break any remaining spirit of independence, and the compliant survivors are trapped on a cresting wave of debt, only to be swamped in the collapse. There are more riches-to-rags stories, every day.

These conditions won’t change. There has never been a recovery of purchasing power in the Federal Reserve note, since 1972. It was at that time that it became a pure fiat paper currency. Without any connection to gold and silver, men were pledged as security against debt. If this comes down to people cooking and eating their children, they were warned. They’ve harvested their neighbors for long enough. The carousel of revolving, pass-the-buck debt is about to slow to a stop. The currency collapse, in it’s final phase since 1972, will be complete. In the meantime, all of the indebted, indentured servants in their material prosperity will enjoy the adjustment periods between the downward steps, called “recoveries”. The hypocrisy that displays the audacity to define economic terms has no standing to define anything involving equity. Without independent audit of a monetary system that has engineered the wealth transfer from real money life into fiat currency death, there is nothing but the economic evidence to examine. The convicting fact is that the United States no longer has the ability to produce wealth to match the ability to incur debt. The common phrase for that is “operating in the red”. A disruption in the flow of debt caused the collapse of September, 2007. The conditions that produced that collapse have been placed in a different basket. Instead of a housing bubble, the financial disease is now infesting the United States Treasury. The remedies applied to date are a negative. Whether they are called liquidity infusion or refinancing, both are a form of selling the future to an adversary.

In the notes from the madness that is financial news, we see that the banks are going to loan the Federal Reserve “money” to help stabilize it. The question is, which walnut shell is the pea really under? It’s in Ben Bernanke’s right-hand jacket pocket. It must be quite a scene when Ben Bernanke makes a withdrawal. He presents the demand at the teller window. The teller responds, “But, of course, Mr. Ponzi! Would you like that in small, unmarked bills?” In a related headline, “Banks at risk after wild copter heist”. Helicopter Ben must be at it, again.

I know that I will see many of the people who now tell me what I have to do, in the street. I will listen to them tell me how they lost everything, when the economy went to Hell. The only response I can give them is, “It’s not there, yet. You’re still breathing.” If things get that bad, there won’t be any tree bark and grass left to eat.