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War Of The Money Worlds Update 01/17/2012

      War Of The Money Worlds

 When we last checked in on the boys, it was a little tense. You can’t blame them. Anyone would be stressed by the inconsistencies and contradictions in the economy. Not to worry ! Today, our little lunch group is graced with the presence of the Silver Tongued Devil, himself. Yes, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke doles out a little of his regal and condescending insight for the benefit of ……. well, we’ll see who it benefits.

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War Of The Money Worlds

War Of The Money Worlds

   On Wednesdays, these old friends get together for a long lunch, concluded in spirited conversation. They are all too busy for the friendly competition of their youth. They don’t have time for pick-up ballgames and board games. They do enjoy their time together on Wednesdays. Let’s listen in on the conversation, as Paper, Metal, Stuff and Imagination verbally spar with each other.

    Paper: “Well gentleman, I’m very well positioned for the recovery.”

Metal: “We’ll just have to see what will be. The downside of speculation is bankruptcy.”

Stuff: “We wouldn’t be talking about this if all commodities were indexed together in a parity system. All of this confusion in people trying to get over on somebody is sickening. It’s just plain predatory.”

Imagination: “Now, my friends, we shouldn’t be carping over what is wrong with everything. We have to have the vision of what can be.”

The consensus response, as this conversation has played out, so many Wednesdays before, is more of the same. Everyone wants to know what Imagination has in mind. Of course, they can’t keep up with Imagination’s vision. No evidence presented in opposition to their self-centered minds can move them. They see only what they might lose in reconsidering their positions. The conversation continues.

Paper: “Life would be much easier if the Federal Reserve would just print more money.”

Metal: “That’s the problem, to begin with. Paper is not money. You’re invested in emerging markets. You know what happens when other countries tell you that your “money” is no good. They don’t want it, and they talk about dumping “dollar” denominated notes on the open market.”

Stuff: “You’re narrow minded, Metal. The currency is only a minor problem. The big problem is the terms of exchange issue. We need to elect the right people to manage Commerce.”

Imagination: “This is where you all get off in the weeds with these political arguments. Commercial problems require commercial solutions.” Somebody always gets left out of the loop in your reasoning. You get caught in the same old closed loop, every time.”

Stuff: “Hold on a minute! I’ve been trying to get you guys to see the wisdom of parity pricing for as long as we’ve all been trying to make our way in the world. You’re all trapped in your own little worlds, with your games and schemes. Don’t you get tired of losing? When are you going to realize that there are standards to be met, that you have no control over?”

Paper: ‘We’ve been through this, before. Investment and industry have built the greatest economic system in the history of the world. It is a tower of hope and a beacon of prosperity to the whole world.”

Metal: “Now, there’s a stirring speech! The audacity of fraud. To call an empire built on lies and worthless paper great is the very depths of human rebellion. Don’t you read the Bible? Don’t you know that the Bible says that a wise man knows the end of all things? It doesn’t take very much wisdom to understand plain English. The end of your wonderful construction is destruction. Yet, you keep piling on the debt. When the books get balanced, you won’t be doing the accounting. You’ll all be caught with your hands in the cookie jar and your heads in the toilet.”

Imagination: “You get too hyper, Metal. All of that old stuff you come up with doesn’t work, anymore. The world has changed since that book was written. We’re not simpleminded dirt peasants, anymore. Get with the program. This world runs on modern standards, now.”

Stuff: “You play the same old tune, over and over. You need to outgrow yourself, Imagination. You’re a genius in your own mind. You need to come out of your dream world and get real.”

Imagination: “Here we go again. You guys are the ones in a dream world. Let me ask you this: If everyone is participating in the same crime, and no one presents themselves as an injured party, making claim for recovery of damages, is there a crime?”

The Group in unison: “No, of course not! Everyone is consenting to the terms of the deal.”

Metal: “Every one? Did anyone ask God about this?”

Paper: “There you go again, with that God stuff. If God wants anything to say about it, He can just come on down here and do something about it!”

Metal: “As it is written, everything shall come to pass in it’s appointed time. In due time, gentlemen. In due time.”

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The Daily Climb

The content of  “The Daily Climb” is now on it’s own blog site at:

The new page can also be accessed from the link in the news feed, at the top of this page.

Tuesday, Jan. 24th, 2012 – It’s a very uneasy atmosphere in the world, this week. With all of the bad financial news and the threat of war, it seems that people are conditioned to expect nothing to happen. While it does help my peace of mind to not worry about things that haven’t happened, I also have one I eye open to the possibility of sudden changes. I see the important plan is to have a plan. Everything doesn’t go the way it was planned. This is where understanding Biblical principles and the lessons of history are important. In that regard, we are all still in school. We have a lot to learn, and we need instruction. We have seen enough to know that dependency is a problem. If we are cut off from necessities, we are vulnerable. Sometimes, people approach their worst enemies for help. It is a very dangerous thing to be at the mercy of human nature.

Tuesday, Jan. 24th, 2012 – It’s a very uneasy atmosphere in the world, this week. With all of the bad financial news and the threat of war, it seems that people are conditioned to expect nothing to happen. While it does help my peace of mind to not worry about things that haven’t happened, I also have one I eye open to the possibility of sudden changes. I see the important plan is to have a plan. Everything doesn’t go the way it was planned. This is where understanding Biblical principles and the lessons of history are important. In that regard, we are all still in school. We have a lot to learn, and we need instruction. We have seen enough to know that dependency is a problem. If we are cut off from necessities, we are vulnerable. Sometimes, people approach their worst enemies for help. It is a very dangerous thing to be at the mercy of human nature.

Read the rest of this entry »

Legal Reality Newsletter 25 January A. D. 2012

25 January A.D. 2012

One of the stabilizing influences for the “dollar” has been its use/position as the “world’s currency.”  That is no longer the case.

The nations listed below in this effort to move away from the “dollar” are also chief among the ones who have mounted the greatest political opposition to the “international banking cartel” based in Western Europe.  As more and more nations around the world come to realize the stranglehold intended by the “international banking cartel,” they, too, will move away from the diseased life-blood of that regime, namely the “dollar.”

They will have, ultimately, the exact same fate happen to them as is happening here in “church of United States,” in the event they, too, stay with any “funny money” system.  Should they opt away from the debt-based “currency” concept and back toward the asset-based Currency concept, they’ll avoid what’s about to happen “here,” and they’ll present the greatest, and actually the only, “defense” that exists against the attacks by the “funny money” promoters.

That’s going to take a while.

In the meanwhile, we’ll just see which marketplace activates that “defense” first.  We’ll have one more confirmation of Judgment if the Asian markets move to a Scriptural Money system before we do.  If we’re so blinded that we can’t apply God’s word until we see the other nations doing so, then we’re all the more severely under His Judgment.

Harmon L. Taylor
Legal Reality
Dallas, Texas

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——– Original Message ——–

Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 02:47:26 -0500

India Joins Asian Dollar Exclusion Zone, Will Transact With Iran In Rupees

Two weeks ago we wrote a post that should have made it all too clear that while the US and Europe continue to pretend that all is well, and they are, somehow, solvent, Asia has been smelling the coffee. To wit: “For anyone wondering how the abandonment of the dollar reserve status would look like we have a Hollow Men reference: not with a bang, but a whimper… Or in this case a whole series of bilateral agreements that quietly seeks to remove the US currency as an intermediate. Such as these: “World’s Second (China) And Third Largest (Japan) Economies To Bypass Dollar, Engage In Direct Currency Trade“, “China, Russia Drop Dollar In Bilateral Trade“, “China And Iran To Bypass Dollar, Plan Oil Barter System“, “India and Japan sign new $15bn currency swap agreement“, and now this: “Iran, Russia Replace Dollar With Rial, Ruble in Trade, Fars Says.”” Today we add the latest country to join the Asian dollar exclusion zone: “India and Iran have agreed to settle some of their $12 billion annual oil trade in rupees, a government source said on Friday, resorting to the restricted currency after more than a year of payment problems in the face of fresh, tougher U.S. sanctions.” To summarize: Japan, China, Russia, India and Iran: the countries which together account for the bulk of the world’s productivity and combined are among the biggest explorers and producers of energy. And now they all have partial bilateral arrangements, and all of which will very likely expand their bilateral arrangements to multilateral, courtesy of Obama’s foreign relations stance which by pushing the countries into a corner has forced them to find alternative, USD-exclusive, arrangements. But yes, aside from all of the above, the dollar still is the reserve currency… if only in which to make calculations of how many imaginary money one pays in exchange for imaginary ‘developed world’ collateral.

On India’s induction into…

Unnatural Law: License vs. Liberty

                                                        Unnatural Law

                                                      License vs. Liberty

      People think that everything is good and right, as long as they can go places and buy things. They never consider what they had to give up for their “freedom”, or who they have to pay protection money to. The liberty that people romanticize about in the American Dream in the corporate structure of the United States, does not exist.