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From Babylon To The United Nations: Road Map To Armageddon

       History is not kind to the tyrants who sacrifice the future for gain in the present. Sowing the seeds of corruption reaps a bitter harvest. Knowing the end from the beginning will become very important. We are watching the world approach a bad end.

     From Babylon To The United Nations: Road Map To Armageddon 

     The empires that mark the timeline of history leave a record of many common characteristics. The people and cultural parameters may change, but the basic foundation is found in expression of the dark side of human nature. Lurking under the surface, in every second of human history, is the compulsion to claim and enforce the power of life and death over other men. The fact that history is measured by war and genocide is not a statement of the progress of human relations. To the contrary. History is evidence in a murder trial.

     Humanity does not fare well as a defendant. The names of historical record have entered their guilty plea. The tyrants of the present and future will find themselves waking from their delusion in an environment where they are not the highest authority. To knowingly violate natural law is to incur a life debt. Since humanity can not originate life, history is the record of repeated failures. Impersonating life with forms of institutional death is the ultimate delusion. As we shall see, every great empire is born in delusion.

     Throughout the millenia, many have had a vision of how to run the world. Fortunately, only a relative few have established empires. When they have, they left hundreds of millions of dead bodies in their wake. Domination of the world doesn’t include everyone. Here is one such ambitious plan. The corporate structure doesn’t care who the players are, as long as humanity is enslaved. In their own words, see the contents at: 

This is nothing new. Planned wars, mercenary civil wars, the spread of disease are all intended to undermine national governments and subjugate people. Unfortunately, there are those who see most of the people of the world marked for elimination. The intended demise of 5.5 billion people is found at: 

     Such evil inspires to rob, kill and destroy.

     Continuing in the line of world domination is the population control agenda. People see war, poverty, famine and disease as tragic events. In most of the world, tragedy is no accident. People are displaced by civil war, disease and a complete disruption of life as they knew it. A thorough study of  the document at  

would be a good starting point.

Titled “The Population Control Agenda” by Dr. Stanley Montieth, this article and the references it contains outline the global agenda for the world’s population. This is where arrogant men decide who lives and who dies.
The strident calls for global regulation and a global currency are only the beginning. The history of the consolidation of wealth and power is a record of inhumanity. The objective of commerce is always conquest. If all people are under the same currency, how shall they escape conquest?

The only activities that seem to be working these days are those related to undermining existing social structures. Stock market analysts talk like gamblers trying to break even. Politicians talk about ways to get their hands on more money. Legislatures debate on squeezing the Golden Goose harder with more regulations. No one seems to care about inflation as the financial structure works day and night to inflate the next bubble. Just because the central banks don’t seem to be  worried about inflation, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be.

     The combination of inflation and tax the rich schemes moves jobs to other continents. So much for free trade. The record shows that industries were traded for debt. People borrow money to make other people rich. Next week, people will pull a lever and give their consent to fraud. They volunteered to pay their share of the debt. They have no complaint when they discover that their next job doesn’t exist.

If people realized that intrusion by the corporate structure was the cause of their problems and not the solution, conditions would improve, dramatically. The expert speculation is that we will see fascist takeovers of entire segments of national and global economies. Again, the world falls into the trap of giving up independence for the cost of printing the paper. We are seeing the repeated folly of the ’90s. Trading substance for perception is just a polite euphemism for believing a lie.

There is no real money to pay for the destruction of national boundaries and civil liberties, so everyone will play with paper to get it done. Global government has always been the goal of the corporate structure. More than 6 billion people are expected to check their humanity at the door and lower their heads. It is a dark life, being a robot in the corporate structure.

With all the confusion and commotion of the past week, people have lost sight of the issues that most closely affect their lives. Remember when the bar codes on products and the magnetic strips on the various cards were seen as a gross invasion of privacy? Now they are seen as commonplace and not a danger. The world has gone so far beyond those developments. The cultural conscience has been dulled.

     We now see biometric information, retina scans, warrantless searches by surveillance technology. There is no privacy. If the corporate structure wants video of an individual in the shower, that is attainable. Where is the end of this intrusion? As long as people volunteer into slavery, there is no end to intrusion.

A crisis is a problem, rolled into a tube, and stuffed with a lie. Without a fabricated context built out of false content, no problem can become a crisis. A good example is that a bubble cannot be inflated with gold and silver. The only way to inflate the supply of gold and silver is to dig deeper and faster.  Contrary to popular belief, it is not possible to manufacture real money. At best, parity in commodities produces prosperity. At worst, false equivalents create shortages. Printing paper currencies is an enabling mechanism for corruption.

     The events of the past two months should have opened the world’s eyes. The seamless interaction between government and private agendas has produced a striking change in the world. Now, in the name of “help”, government and private banks are seizing title to property. People now rent everything and pay, according to terms of private contracts. Learning how the modern game is played is good. Learning how to stay out of the debt game is better.

Explanation is in order. Not all purchases and sales are equal. In a mortgage transaction, the real estate is collateral against the debt and title is in the name of the bank. The currency is the property of the banking system, whether in your possession or theirs. Since everything in the transaction is property of the banking system, everything remains property of the banking system. Upon payment of the loan, the buyer is allowed use of the property, under license, by contract. To understand how people enter into such inequitable contracts, we must be able to identify people indoctrinated into the process of the Beast. That is a difficult task, because we may find ourselves looking into a mirror when doing so.

Yes, we have met the enemy, and they is us. Thank you, Pogo.

Evidence of indoctrination into the process of the Beast is easily identified, if you develop the eye to see it. The trouble is, universal training makes sure that you can’t see it. Once the public school brainwashing is addressed and overcome, obvious slave trading practices become glaring warning signs. The first sign is when your slave status is questioned. If you are required to show proof of who owns you (U.S. citizen) or which plantation you are working on (employment history), then you are being measured as a slave.
That is the beginning of containment. Complying with these requirements sets in motion a series of traps that are easier to get into than out of. This is why most people can’t see that they are trapped. The cultural boundaries are set to prevent escape. This is why there is so much cultural pressure to comply with the demands of the corporate structure. People are now monetized and packaged, bought and sold. At the heart of the process is the transfer of human beings into the ownership of a legal fiction. That box is the prison that people walk around in.

The chain of custody of evidence of indoctrination into the process of the Beast can be very difficult to trace. Since most people aren’t Sherlock Holmes, the worldview imposed by education and culture blinds people to the truth. The most secure prison is the institution in which the inmates believe they are free. The thought of escape never enters their minds. One facet of today’s prison is the concept of the free market economy. Such a social construct has never existed in the world of fiat paper currency. Such economies are operated as a managed corporate benefit. As such, participation in said economies is restricted by license and contract. The obligations incurred by those encumbered by such contracts do not manifest until a time of crisis, whether real or imagined. At that time, unquestioning obedience to the corporate structure is the requirement. This is how millions of people are abandoned to the death camps and slave labor, while the rest of the world is frozen in inaction.

Again, I ask: Who will we betray to maintain our position in the corporate structure?

After a month of travel and observation, it is painfully obvious that people accept controlled environments as a viable means of survival. They worship at the feet of their masters and promote compliance with obviously destructive social and political conditions as a good thing. Accepting what is perceived as benign dictatorship by commerce is a fatal error. The coming days will see desperate people in desperate circumstances. People will accept the only choice made available to them, over and over. The result will be repeated episodes of corporate management. Populations will be marginalized and impoverished. Those who benefit from the betrayal of humanity will call it good. Those who have positioned themselves to benefit from the policies of commerce will one day find innocent blood on their hands. They refuse to see it now. They will admit it, in despair, when their efforts won’t wash away the evidence of their guilt.

An interesting transformation takes place when people are separated from land. People become a fabricated image, created and manipulated by commercial culture. As such, they become property. This is proof that the objective of commerce is always conquest. Since history is taught as a commentary on commercial activity and control, the only world that people know is the one created for them to see. People have no frame of reference to test the validity of what they are taught. Independent audit of content is the only method of evaluation that works. The first question that must be asked is,

Who controls the land and resources?”

Without that answer, people have no way of knowing how their choices are eliminated and their free will is limited. In this condition, people keep themselves in a system that does not recognize the inviolate status of life and the intrinsic obligations of life. It is a system of artificially monetized commercial utilization of human beings. To be indistinguishable from resources harvested from the land is the most wretched condition that any civilization can impose upon itself.

Is it lawful for one individual to assist another in the commission of a crime? If people knew the crimes that they gave consent to and allowed to be committed by the authority of their name, so many of the aspects of commerce would disappear. All manner of thefts, assaults and murder are inflicted on the people of the world,  WITH THEIR OWN CONSENT!

The corporate structure demands active and willing participation in it’s declared opposition to the Creator. Where there is required to be reverence for life, commerce inflicts death. Where kindness and compassion are to be the standard by which men are judged, commerce inflicts cruelty in unquenched greed. Where honest weights and measures are the required standard in transactions to assure prosperity, trading substance for debt brings poverty and bankruptcy. It is the false institutions of the corporate structure that deprives people of all wealth, property and liberty. Come out of the debt system before it crushes everything that is good in life.

“When the laws undertake to add to these natural and just advantages artificial distinctions; to grant titles, gratuities, and exclusive privileges; to make the rich richer and the potent more powerful, the humble members of society, the farmers, mechanics, and laborers, who have niether the time nor the means to secure like favors to themselves, have a right to complain of the injustice of their Government.”  – Andrew Jackson

Over the past three months, we have seen trillions of units of currency devoured in consolidation of financial institutions, commodity and stock speculation and without a clear accounting of where it all went. Little or no access to these funds was granted to those taxpayers who are pledged to repay the debt. Yet, the people labor under the threat of economic collapse. This is a repeated pattern in history. There is a day of reckoning in the near future.

“It is to the property of the citizen, not to the creditor of the State, that the original faith of society is pledged. The claim of the citizen is prior in time, paramount in title, and superior in equality.” – Sir Edmund Burke

Such a principle should be obvious. Apparently, this wisdom was either lost or ignored in the last century. No deception by monetization of debt can absolve those charged with care of the public trust of their duty. The first obligation is to the people who produce wealth from the land, by their labor. Mortgaging the future to feed the excesses of the present is dereliction of duty and an outright theft. Now, where did that $8.5 Trillion go, again? Are the common people that it was stolen from also expected to repay it?

May the outrage of the people reach Heaven.

“The power to issue money should be taken from the banks and restored to Congress and the people” – Thomas Jefferson

The creation and implementation of the Federal Reserve System continues to be the biggest bait-and-switch scam in the history of money. The original contract was that all paper currency must be redeemable in gold and silver coin. With the advent of the Federal Reserve, the currency represents an exchange of debt instruments. Since the currency is created from nothing, is suppported by nothing, it is worth nothing.  The banks are owed nothing. When will the American people ask the fundamental question:

“Where is our gold and silver?”

Never underestimate the ability of people to ignore common sense to get around the voice of their conscience. Taking shortcuts and “easy” paper credit is the trap the world won’t escape, this time. The world has never escaped the  consequences of believing the lie that is paper “money”. If people can’t see it coming, they must surely be able to hear it coming. The currency devaluations of the past week are not keeping things on an even keel. People seem to feel that, as long as their country doesn’t have to admit to being insolvent, everything is good. Nothing could be further from the truth. Every bank is insolvent. All are bankrupt. The coming year will bring the ugly truth to plain view.

Hyperinflation, currency collapses and civil disturbances will eclipse anything seen before in history. Government can’t save anyone, now. The fraud and theft has gone too far. When government, the financial structure and the media lie, cheat and steal, the people suffer for it. Last September was just the beginning. It’s headed into the Pit, now. Every time the currency supply doubles, the closer it gets to a crash.

Whether with head in the clouds or buried in the sand, people have to pay attention when the thunder rolls and the ground shakes. If you can’t recognize the signs, at least read history. The currency supply has increased 765% in recent months. That’s more than a decade of inflation in no time, at all. Politicians can’t raise taxes, so they get it out of people with higher prices. Freedom disappears at the same time as independence. A nation of producers becomes a nation of beggars. The borrower becomes servant of the lender.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” – George Orwell

Pressure comes from everywhere in the modern world. Whether from media, the culture of globalization or marketing, an endless barrage of demands not seen in any previous generation flood over everyone, everywhere. The information gathered on individuals is staggering. Private information is no longer private. When that information is used against someone, it is news to them. When medical records are used to deny employment or insurance coverage, it is a sudden shock to an individual. When purchase records on a store discount member card are used as evidence in a trial, it is a gross invasion of privacy by the corporate structure.
Where does it end? It ends with the tracking and restraint of everyone’s freedom. People have forgotten the value of the liberty that is inherent in privacy.

There is always a crisis in the world. Most of the time, independent verification is not possible. There is a proper response in the lessons of history. Things that haven’t happened yet aren’t necessarily an immediate crisis. Taking care of and paying attention to important things such as food, water and shelter keeps situations from becoming a crisis. Big things, like the warnings in the weather changes and the verifiable threats of future actions and conditions are not so easily compensated for. If the dire predictions for the immediate future are all true, there is no place to run to, anyway. If governments and banks collapse, we are all on our own. If the global climate goes into an ice age suddenly, we as individuals couldn’t stop it. To avoid that helpless situation, prayer would be a good idea. Now would be a good time.

As we approach 2012, the most prominant feature of human nature is the ease in which people suppress their personal convictions for the promise of prosperity. History teaches that people always end up in shame and poverty. Today, there is such outcry for peace and safety. How do people find the lack of integrity to go back and beg at the feet of leaders who betrayed and robbed them? If a neighbor did the same thing, they would confront the neighbor. Yet, countries are plunged into war and starvation. At no time in history has any nation achieved prosperity by internal plunder of it’s citizens. In every instance, leaders strip nations of wealth and the rich men of the Earth celebrate in victory. Recent events repeat the mistakes of history. Change for the sake of change always leaves the people who’s enthusiasm turned to dismay less free and prosperous than before. Where will it end?

The world will either break the yoke of debt or succumb to the slavery of the moneychangers.

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